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Please feel free to schedule an appointment here or contact us with any questions/concerns you may have. We will respond within 24 business hours. We look forward to serving our community the best way we know!

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Symmetra Health and Chiropractic Directions.jpg

Due to closure of parking entrances on S. Grant St, take the South Amphlett Blvd street entrances into the parking lot. When you find the building marked “1670”, please park and enter from the North Entrance where the elevator awaits you. Go up to the second floor of the building. Take a right out of the elevator and down to the end of the hall as shown in the figure above (red arrows). There will be a door tag that reads “214”. Walk into that hallway and the first room on the left hand side will be the office with the words “Symmetra Health and Chiropractic” on the door tag.