Take Control of Your Health Today

 Don’t Let Pain Stop You From Living

At Symmetra Health and Chiropractic, our goal is to provide you personalized care for your specific needs. We offer a wide range of therapeutic modalities such as: Chiropractic Adjustment, soft tissue therapy (IASTM), ergonomic evaluation, movement screening, fitness and nutrition consultations. Our mission is to help every individual understand that your life style has an impact on your overall health and well being. Together, we will optimize your body’s ability to heal and get you back to doing what you love!

Your Health Journey Starts Here


Schedule an Appointment

Don’t let pain be the limiting factor. The power to feel good is in your hands! After the first visit, you will have a better understanding for what needs to be done to live pain free.


Personalize Your Care

Isn’t it hard to know what to do for the pain? Our team of Doctors will customize a care plan that meet your needs. We’ll get you back to doing the things you love but ultimately teach you to take control of your health!

Live Your Best Life

Our care plan will get you out of pain and on your way to your health goals. After a series of care, you will have the tools to live your best life and get back to doing what you love!

 Are You Ready To Make A Change?

Quality Care, Close to Home

General Injury

Neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain - any pain or discomfort you may feel, chiropractic is a strong and helpful option.

Sports Injury

Return to sport as soon as possible with chiropractic care targeted for recovery and rehabilitation in combination with focused tips to prevent future injury.

Auto Injury

Whiplash or trauma due to car accidents need tending too; chiropractic care offers many options for recovery and reduction in those pain and aches.

Wellness Care

Maintenance of the body is just as important as your biannual dental visit - we suggest care every couple months to keep you in tip top shape.